Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Knew You as my Son.....

Note: I wanted to publish this post yesterday , but was having computer issues.

Dear Jack,

On this very day....last summer...mommy and daddy found out we were having a baby boy.  You had been living in my belly for 23 weeks. My love for you was as big as it could be and when we had our ultrasound I just wanted to make sure that you were healthy and growing.  Daddy and I thought it would be great to be surprised on the day you were born.  We told the doctor that but, she misunderstood us.  I guess she thought we really wanted to know.  She was scanning all over and then shouted...."it's a boy!!!".  Daddy didn't even hear her....he always concentrated so much on watching you wiggle around the screen.  I sat right up and said ...."I didn't want to know...."  Then, I realized in that moment that all my dreams had come true.  So many mommies want little girls but, I wanted a BOY!!! I wanted you!!! And, in my heart and in my dreams....I already knew you were a boy.

Looking back....that day was the biggest gift to mommy and daddy.  For all those months you were in my belly...I KNEW YOU AS MY SON!!!  My little baby boy bouncing around in there....kicking back at me....loving me. Thank you boy....for being my and forever. 

My love for you is bigger than ever.  Sometimes so hurts.  Other gives me so much peace.

Mommy and Daddy love you.....sweet baby boy!!!!


  1. That truly was the best misunderstanding gave you so much more time to know Jack as Jack. All of us as glad you had that opportunity to know while you could.

    All my love!

  2. Kristen, I love reading your posts. Even though I didn't get to meet Jack, I can tell from your writings how special he is. We love you all!!
